Reiteration: Again and Again

If you happen to glance back at my older posts, especially skepticism related content, it’s likely you’ll notice I repeat myself a fair bit. That’s because I’m constantly recreating and revising introductory approaches to understanding skepticism and on occasion I post some of that material. It’s all for the sake of developing finished pieces ofContinue reading “Reiteration: Again and Again”

A Scenic Mountainside Twilight

Here’s an imperfect panorama we took of one of the switchbacks atop Mount Spokane a few years back. There’s a disconnect across the mountain tops because these two shots were actually taken around a bend. It’s a beautiful area for summertime hiking, especially around the Kit Carson Loop just below the peak. The photos wereContinue reading “A Scenic Mountainside Twilight”

Monster the Magnificent!

Oh look! It’s my fluffy tabby friend. 🐱 As is indicated by the title, his name is Monster. He’s just over fifteen years old now but he’s still as playful and cuddly as ever. ❤ I’m sure I’ll find reasons to post more sets of Monster related content. He’s reasonably photogenic and one of myContinue reading “Monster the Magnificent!”

Plant Life Shots from Around Capitol Hill

Through the few years we lived in Seattle we found quite a few well tended community gardens who were generous about allowing us to take photos. The featured image is something of an exception to this set given that it’s clearly postmortem, but I’m fond of the lighting and shapes for obvious reasons. ❤️

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