Considering Skepticism: Why or When Might there be Reason for Concern? AVGS

• The risk of inaction – Though it’s a concern addressed by ancient texts, it’s worth reflecting on for the sake of reviewing coping strategies: that there is a possibility the skeptic way will lead to a kind of mental paralysis or another undesirable state which prevents action.  An obvious option to avoid this sortContinue reading “Considering Skepticism: Why or When Might there be Reason for Concern? AVGS”

How Does Skepticism Work? A Very General Summary

• Pyrrhonism and its legacy – Those who hold no philosophical beliefs whatsoever. A brief rough summary: skeptical inquiry results in an intellectual standstill on philosophical matters to which the skeptic responds with a suspension of judgment which just so happens to lead to a desirable mental calm and clarity. • Academism and its legacyContinue reading “How Does Skepticism Work? A Very General Summary”

Who is Skepticism For? A Very General Summary

• The skeptics – From the responses in the first section: there’s a very specific group of people whom skepticism is likely to be a benefit to. The skeptics are those who are said to acquire an improved mental balance through the application of skepticism. • The philosophically interested – Inasmuch as skepticism serves asContinue reading “Who is Skepticism For? A Very General Summary”

What is Skepticism? A Very General Summary

• A word – Skeptic (also sceptic) from French sceptique, directly from Latin scepticus, and from Greek skeptikos (PIE root *spek- ‘to observe’); a noun use of an adjective meaning doubting, questioning, or seeking. Also a title used to identify people associated with figures like Pyrrho and Sextus. Lastly, skepticism is sometimes used as aContinue reading “What is Skepticism? A Very General Summary”

Understanding Skepticism: A Very General Outline

What is skepticism? A word An attitude About doubt About disbelief Seeking mental calm and clarity The way of inquiry or investigation Dealing with puzzlement and uncertainty A way of engaging in philosophical thinking Who is skepticism for? The skeptics The philosophically interested People in general How does it work? Pyrrhonism and its legacy AcademismContinue reading “Understanding Skepticism: A Very General Outline”

Preliminaries to Understanding Pyrrhonism & Ancient Skeptical Inquiry

I initiated my current study of skepticism in 2019 through reading Outlines of Scepticism by Sextus Empiricus translated by Julia Annas and Jonathan Barnes. Other reliable English language editions I’ve consulted include translations by R.G. Bury (Loeb), Benson Mates (Oxford), and Richard Bett (Princeton). As I write this it’s 2022 and over the past threeContinue reading “Preliminaries to Understanding Pyrrhonism & Ancient Skeptical Inquiry”

A Diatribe Against Attacking Skepticism Using Sophomoric Criticisms

From what I gather after a couple years of mostly researching this one theme: skepticism has been understood as a means for cultivating insight, problem solving, addressing concerns, or developing skill… as well as avoiding action, creating contention, or otherwise drumming up obstacles to progress. Most of these perspectives are directly addressed by Sextus Empiricus.Continue reading “A Diatribe Against Attacking Skepticism Using Sophomoric Criticisms”

In Defense of Skepticism

From a recent exchange with a friend: erist —Here’s an odd rant: criticisms for skepticism that supposes it’s self-defeating seem to depend on a categorical assumption about skepticism being within the domain of philosophical activity while simultaneously challenging the basis for and nature of philosophy. I’m bringing it up because I think I’ve figured outContinue reading “In Defense of Skepticism”

On Intelligence and Self-Certainty

Though I don’t count myself in this case, I tend to be real fond of smart people. I’m thinking of folks who tend to be complex and interesting but also complicated and intense. I learn a lot just by spending time with such folks but also I worry about the occasional tendency to suppose somethingContinue reading “On Intelligence and Self-Certainty”

A short list of incredibly rewarding skepticism texts

How to Keep an Open Mind by Richard Bett (2021) – A general audience introduction to Pyrrhonism and an abridged edition of Pyrrhonist Outlines by Sextus Empiricus The Modes of Scepticism: Ancient Texts and Modern Interpretations by Annas and Barnes (1985) – An academic audience introduction to Pyrrhonism focusing on a careful analysis of TheContinue reading “A short list of incredibly rewarding skepticism texts”

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